New Jersey Science ConventionCelebrating 47 Years of Service to Science Education Bringing 21st Century Science Skills to the Classroom2023 Theme: Creating Future Stewards of Our PlanetOctober 17 & 18, 2023 at the Princeton Marriott Forrestal On behalf of the New Jersey Science Convention Steering Committee, we welcome you to the 47th annual science convention. The convention has a history of providing science teachers in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania with professional development over the course of two days. Our goal is to provide a variety of sessions addressing K-12 three dimensional/NGSS lessons in all science areas. Sessions will focus on demonstrating methods of creating culturally responsive science classrooms that promote equity and inclusion, engaging students in studies of climate change through research, discourse, and problem solving, and exploring local problems.
Please join us for one or two days at the New Jersey Science Convention and for our Tuesday night banquet. This year we are pleased to present as our banquet speaker Dale Rosselet, Vice President for Education at New Jersey Audubon Society Education Department. If you are looking for new classroom ideas and strategies or if you are willing to share your successes with colleagues join us and catch the energy of the New Jersey Science Convention. Interested in becoming a presenter? Submit a proposal. Angela Best and Coleen Weiss-Magasic, Executive Co-chairs On October 12 the New Jersey Department of Education announced that Christine Girtain, a Science Teacher and the Director of Authentic Science Research at Toms River High School North and South, was named the 2022-2023 New Jersey State Teacher of the Year. The New Jersey Science Convention congratulates Girtain on this impressive honor recognizing her achievements in science education as it pertains to students and colleagues seeking real world solutions. The Governor’s Educator of the Year program is constantly evolving. It starts at the local level with those who are selected by their individual schools. The local district Teacher of the Years are encouraged to apply for recognition as County Teachers of the Year. The timely application process is fairly intense as it establishes criteria that a teacher is not only an asset at their own local school but is also connected within a larger societal footprint. According to her County Teacher of the Year description, Christine has forged an alliance with the Army and Navy “to establish a K-12 STEM pipeline with a goal of ensuring the sustainability of the STEM workforce in the United States.” She has taken students on educational tours in Europe and to do research in Costa Rica. Some of her students even presented their final work to a panel of scientists from the US, Israel, and Switzerland. Additionally, she has exemplified this same spirit of dedication to colleagues by funding local teachers and hosting others from 6 states in search of new potential antibiotics. County Teachers of the Year are encouraged to apply for recognition as a New Jersey State Teacher of the Year (NJSTOY). Criteria at this level "highlights educational innovation, student achievement, the rewards of teaching, and important services outside the classroom environment that lead to student success." Christine clearly exemplifies that important aspect of societal impact in addition to her local excellence. Christine has presented programs at New Jersey Science Convention for many years and exemplifies NJSC’s mission to provide a forum for educators to meet, collaborate, and formulate new ideas to support science education. She will be sharing her expertise in Authentic Science Research by presenting three programs this year. She is also a New Jersey state finalist for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics & Science Teaching. NJSC will recognize Christine’s achievements at the annual banquet on Tuesday evening. Show me the Moo-ney! Determine the Genetics of a CA$H-Cow
In this real-world selective breeding workshop, attendees will use gel electrophoresis to determine which bull and cows a farmer should purchase to receive the highest return on investment. Session 005 | Tuesday 8:30-9:30 | Maclean Student Research with Corn Genotype to Phenotype Students can collect data for plant researchers at the Danforth Center measuring phenotypes such as leaf angle in corn, & examine the variability of the phenotypic parameter leaf angle among corn genotypes. Session 042 | Tuesday 1:00-2:00 | Nassau 27 Nourish the Future - Connect Students to Modern Agriculture Learn about agriculture based curriculum that fosters critical thinking and inspires students to solve real-world problems. Reaching students is critical to filling the jog gap in agriculture related careers. Session 108 | Wednesday 8:30-9:30 | Wilson
Dr. Wilkin will also be presenting a program at the Convention.
Robots, Radars, Satellites, Trawlers, Computers, Calculus and Turtles: The Future of Coastal Ocean Environmental Forecasting Global change is impacting how the coastal ocean serves our needs for food, transportation, energy, and health. Come see some of the exciting new technologies and computer methods that are enhancing our ability to predict this change. Session 141A | Wednesday 1:00-2:00 | Bainbridge New Jersey Science ConventionBringing 21st Century Science Skills to the Classroom 2022: Helping All Students Find Their Voice October 18 & 19, 2022 at the Princeton Marriott Forrestal NJSC: Celebrating 46 Years of Service to Science Education On behalf of the New Jersey Science Convention Steering Committee, we welcome you to the 46th Annual science convention. The convention has a history of providing science teachers in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania with professional development over the course of two days. Our goal is to provide a variety of sessions over two days addressing K-12 three dimensional/NGSS lessons in all science areas, and those demonstrating methods of creating culturally responsive science classrooms that promote equity and inclusion, engage students in climate change through research, discourse, and problem solving and include the explanation and exploration of local problems.
Please join us for one or two days at the NJ Science Convention and for our Tuesday night banquet. This year we are pleased to present as our banquet speaker Dr. John Wilkin from the Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. “Dr. Wilkin is a member of NASA’s Ocean Surface Topography Science Team (OSTST) and is active in promoting uses of radar altimetry in the coastal ocean. He represents OSTST on the Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE) Science Team (GOVST). Wilkin also co-chairs the User Working Group for NASA’s Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO-DAAC), and is a member of the Ocean Observing panel for Physics and Climate (OOPC) of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS).” In alignment with our 2022 theme, Dr. Wilken will share his presentation on the future of coastal ocean environmental forecasting. If you are looking for new classroom ideas and strategies or if you are willing to share your successes with colleagues join us and catch the energy of the New Jersey Science Convention. Interested in becoming a presenter? Submit a proposal at: Angela Best and Lola Szobota, Executive Co-Chairs |
About NJSCThe New Jersey Science Convention is co-sponsored by the NJ Science Teachers Association and the NJ Science Education Leadership Association. 2024 SponsorsArchives
September 2024