This page will be updated for 2025 soon.
2024 Professional Development Statement
The New Jersey Science Convention will be hosting its 48th Annual Convention on October 15, 16, 2024 at the Princeton Marriott Forrestal in Princeton, NJ. For the past 47 years this convention has provided professional development to thousands of NJ teachers. We are confident that NJSC 2024 will prove to again be a successful event. As a state convention, the New Jersey Science Convention is the only local science-based professional development opportunity for NJ K-12 classroom teachers.
In alignment with our theme for this year’s convention NJSC 2024: New Frontiers in Science and Technology, we have identified several important strands as a guide for prospective presenters:
We also welcome sessions that address climate change and the exploration of local environmental problems, as well as the latest information on classroom resources.
In addition to presentations by experienced classroom teachers, NJSC 2024 will also host presentations by the NJDOE and college professors along with national speakers and presenters. The unique venue provides a level of interaction that allows teachers to connect with colleagues from schools all over New Jersey and maintain ongoing collaboration. In alignment with NJSLS-S/NGSS, the NJ Science Convention provides K-12 science teachers with professional development that supports the type of science teaching needed to prepare students for a competitive global society.
The members of the NJ Science Convention Steering Committee encourage districts to support their teachers by providing the opportunity for them to participate in NJSC 2024. We hope to see you in October!
If you have any questions, please contact either of the Executive Co-Chairs.
Angela Best [email protected]
Coleen Weiss-Magasic [email protected]
In alignment with our theme for this year’s convention NJSC 2024: New Frontiers in Science and Technology, we have identified several important strands as a guide for prospective presenters:
- Integrating Technology in Lessons and Lesson Planning
- Creating a Culturally Responsive Science Classroom
- Promoting Equity and Inclusion in the Science Classrooms
- Interactive Three Dimensional Lessons that Address K-5 Science
- Interactive Three Dimensional Lessons that Address Earth and Space Science, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics
We also welcome sessions that address climate change and the exploration of local environmental problems, as well as the latest information on classroom resources.
In addition to presentations by experienced classroom teachers, NJSC 2024 will also host presentations by the NJDOE and college professors along with national speakers and presenters. The unique venue provides a level of interaction that allows teachers to connect with colleagues from schools all over New Jersey and maintain ongoing collaboration. In alignment with NJSLS-S/NGSS, the NJ Science Convention provides K-12 science teachers with professional development that supports the type of science teaching needed to prepare students for a competitive global society.
The members of the NJ Science Convention Steering Committee encourage districts to support their teachers by providing the opportunity for them to participate in NJSC 2024. We hope to see you in October!
If you have any questions, please contact either of the Executive Co-Chairs.
Angela Best [email protected]
Coleen Weiss-Magasic [email protected]
Science Convention of New Jersey 501(c)(3) EIN 03-0549656