Banquet/Keynote Speakers
2025 Dr. Nicole Davi
Chairperson, William Paterson University, Adjunct Senior Research Scientist at the Three-Ring Laboratory at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory What are the trees telling us? Tree Rings, Climate Change, & Coastal Forests 2024 Heather Lynch Quantitative Ecologist, Professor, Department of Ecology & Evolution and the Institute for Advanced Computational Science at Stony Brook University K-12 in Antarctica 2023 Dale A. Rosselet Vice President for Education at New Jersey Audubon Education Department A Jersey Girl’s Passion for Nature and STEM: Using Birds as a Springboard for Learning 2022 Dr. John Wilkin Professor of Marine Sciences, Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Robots, Radars, Satellites, Trawlers, Computers, Calculus and Turtles: The Future of Coastal Ocean Environmental Forecasting 2021 Dr. William Getsch Distinguished Professor of the College of Arts & Sciences, Saint Peter’s University Science Education: A Grand Adventure, Building Bridges Between the Formal and Informal Sectors 2020 Dr. Jeff Goldstein Director, National Center for Earth and Space Science Education Human Exploration–It’s Not a Book of Knowledge…It’s a Journey 2019 Dr. Sabine Kastner Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology, Neuroscience Institute and Department of Psychology and Scientific Director of Neuroimaging Facility, Princeton University Educational Neuroscience for the 21st Century 2018 Dr. Mireya Mayor Researcher, National Geographic Learning/Cengage Pink Boots and a Machete: My Journey from NFL Cheerleader to National Geographic Explorer 2017 Andrés Ruzo Director, Boiling River Project On Assignment: Notes from the Front Lines of Amazonian Conservation and Implications on 21st Century Learning 2016 Dr. David Gallo Senior Advisor for Strategic Initiatives, Center for Climate and Life of the Earth Institute, Columbia University Deep Sea - Deep Secrets: The Many Wonders of Neptune's Realm 2015 Dr. David Robinson NJ State Climatologist, Professor in the Department of Geology at Rutgers University Exploring NJ Climate Variability and Change 2014 Dr. Ricki Lewis Science Writer, Genetic Counselor, Educator, Public Speaker Gene Therapy: A Forever Fix? 2013 Dr. Kenneth R. Miller Professor of Biology at Brown University, Author Does Science Still Matter in America Today? 2012 Dr. Robert E. Landsman President, ANOVA Science Education Corporation Neuron to Brain: Connectivity Impact on 21st Century Worldlings 2011 Dr. Luke Dollar National Geographic Explorer, Program Director of National Geographic's Big Cats Initiative Seeking Solutions in Predator Conservation 2010 Tim Samaras Severe Storms Researcher, National Geographic Emerging Explorer The Science of Tornado Chasing 2009 Chris Linder Research Associate, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Physical Oceanography Department Science on Ice 2008 Dr. Jeff Goldstein Director, National Center for Earth and Space Science Education Celebrating the Past, Embracing the Present, and Inspiring the Future: Human Exploration - the Journey Continues 2007 Jack Uldrich Author, President, NanoVeritas Group The Exponential Educator: How Eight Emerging Technologies will Transform Education 2006 Dr. Alan I. Leshner Chief Executive Officer and Executive Publisher, Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science Science Education in the Current Societal Climate 2005 Dr. Sally Ride Astronaut, America's First Woman in Space, Professor of Physics, University of California, San Diego, CEO of Imaginary Lines, Inc. Leadership and America's Future in Space 2004 Dr. David Sousa Brain Researcher, Educational Consultant, Author Making Schools Brain Compatible 2003 Dr. Leon Lederman Nobel Laureate, Physics 1988 Isn't It Time Science Education Joined the 21st Century? 2002 Dr. John Peterson United Nations Foundation From Silent Spring to Scientific Revolution 2001 Dr. Robert DeSalle Researcher, American Museum of Natural History The Genomic Revolution 2001 Emory Kristof National Geographic Photographer, Pioneer in Deep Sea Robotic Cameras Ghost Ships and Sea Monsters 2000 Dr. Eric Wieschaus Nobel Laureate, Princeton University Doing Molecular Genetics in Model Organisms in Humans Vertical Divider
1999 Dr. Emlyn Koster
President, CEO, Liberty Science Center Lessons from Travels into the Biosphere 1998 Sr. Mary Virginia Oma, Ph.D., OSU Editor, Chemical Heritage Foundation Publication, College of New Rochelle Doing Chemistry at the Art / Archeology Interface 1997 Milbry Polk Explorer, Author, Anthropological Film Maker Virtual Xplorations 1996 Jim Fowler Host of Wild Kingdom Wildlife Conservation and Its Effect on the Quality of Life 1996 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Chief Prosecuting Attorney for the Hudson Riverkeeper and Senior Attorney for the National Resources Defense Council, Attorney at the Environmental Litigation Clinic, Pace University Our Environmental Destiny 1995 John Horner Professor of Geology and Biology, Curator of Paleontology, Museum of the Rockies, Montana State University The Complete T-Rex 1994 Dr. Roger Bybee Associate Director, Biological Science Curriculum Study (BSCS), Colorado, Chair, Working Group on Science Curriculum Standards for the National Research Council National Science Education Standards: The Process, Product, Product and Potential 1993 Jeff & Deb Hall Sandler (Mr. & Mrs. Fish) Marine Science Education Entertainers Marine Science Education in the Classroom 1992 Dr. Kathryn Sullivan Chief Scientist, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Astronaut and Marine Geologist Exploring the Earth from Above and Below 1991 Dr. Shirley Jackson Research Physicist, AT&T Bell Labs Math, Diversity, and Excellence: Challenge for the Next Century 1990 Geoff Somers Antarctic Explorer Trans-Antarctic International Expedition 1989 Dr. Christopher Daggett NJ Commissioner of Environmental Protection Education Investment - Environmental Futures 1988 Dr. Ruth Turner Professor of Biology, Harvard University, Renowned Biological Oceanographer Deep Sea Exploration and Thermal Vents 1987 Dr. Charles Howarth Executive Director, Liberty Science Center New Jersey's Science and Technology Center: Its Role in Education 1986 Dr. Lynn Margulis Professor of Biology, Boston University Early Life 1985 Dr. Robert Rines President, Franklin Pierce Law Center, Concord NH Searching for the Loch Ness Monster for Fourteen Years 1984 Dr. Cecily Cannan Selby Co., Chairperson, National Science Board Commission on Pre-College Education in Science, Mathematics, and Technology Opening Minds and Opening Doors: Science, Mathematics and Technology Education 1983 Dr. Uri Haber-Schaim Director, Institute for Curriculum Development Substances and Images in Science Education 1982 Dr. Niles Eldridge Curator, Department of Invertebrates, American Museum of Natural History A Scientific Look at Creationism 1981 Dr. Martin Moore-Ede Associate Professor of Physiology, Harvard University Biological Clocks 1980 Dr. Arno Penzias Nobel Laureate, Bell Labs Science, Technology and Survival 1980 Dr. Hubert Alyea Professor of Chemistry, Princeton University Chemistry Demonstrations 1979 Dr. Margaret Maxey Associate Professor of Bioethics, University of Detroit Nuclear Energy as an Alternate Source 1979 Dr. Fletcher Watson Director, Project City Science, New York University Science Curricula for the 90s 1978 Dr. Marjorie Gardner Professor: Chemistry and Science Education, University of Maryland China's Challenge to Science Education in the US 1978 Dr. Paul Brandwein Director of Research, Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich Science and the Permanent Agenda of Man 1977 Dr. George Wald Nobel Laureate, Harvard University Science and Ethics |