New Jersey Science ConventionBringing 21st Century Science Skills to the Classroom 2020 - Science: The Key to the Future! October 20 & 21, 2020 at the Princeton Marriott Forrestal NJSC: Celebrating 44 Years of Service to Science Education! On behalf of the New Jersey Science Convention Steering Committee we welcome you to the 44th Annual science convention. The convention has a history of providing science teachers in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania with professional development over the course of two days. Our goal is to provide a variety of sessions over two days addressing current K-12 science topics, including successful implementation of classroom lessons aligned to NGSS/NJSL-S, the development of assessment tasks that provide evidence of 3D science learning, using phenomena to support 3D learning, safety in science instruction, and other relevant science topics.
Please join us for one or two days at the NJ Science Convention and for our Tuesday night banquet. This year we are pleased to present as our banquet speaker Dr. William Gutsch Distinguished Professor of the College of Arts & Sciences at Saint Peter’s University. A celebrated educator with a career spanning five decades, Dr. Gutsch will share his experiences and talk about some lessons learned along the way. If you are looking for new classroom ideas and strategies or if you are willing to share your successes with colleagues join us and catch the energy of the New Jersey Science Convention. Be sure to check our site periodically for updates to this blog. Interested in becoming a presenter? Submit a proposal at: Lisa Doyle and Lola Szobota, Executive Co-chairs Comments are closed.
About NJSCThe New Jersey Science Convention is co-sponsored by the NJ Science Teachers Association and the NJ Science Education Leadership Association. 2024 SponsorsArchives
September 2024